The Crest Mosman Park
The Crest development is a short walk from the Swan River waterfront and is considered highly sought after. LandCorp placed great emphasis on maintaining local flora in and around the project site, particularly the retention and preservation of the local trees.
Mosman Park WA
Construction Period:
Aug 14 – Feb 15
Project overview
After successful delivery of the Minim Cove Stage 6 project LandCorp awarded DM Civil another land development project – The Crest. It was located in the exclusive suburb of Mosman Park.
Vacant land available in this prestige suburb remains very low. The Crest development is a short walk from the Swan River waterfront and is considered a rare gem in this highly sought after area. LandCorp placed great emphasis on maintaining local flora in and around the project site, particularly the retention and preservation of the local trees.
The civil works comprised approximately of 15,000m3 of cut and fill earthworks, 350m of retaining walls and fencings, 1,900m2 of roadworks, 270m of sewers, 180m of stormwater drainage, water reticulation, gas, power and communication underground services.
What truly underpinned the smooth execution of this project was the team’s consideration for the local residents. This included being responsive to their enquiries and complaints. By being sensitive and focused on their needs, any disturbance was kept to a minimum.
Significant achievements and benefits
The scope of works included excavation to 1 metre below design level. The remediation of the existing materials was done by site screening. Suitable material yielded was recompacted and graded to achieve the required Class S classification. The unsuitable screened materials were disposed offsite at an approved location.
To be commensurate with the expected top end value residential development expected on the site there was a great emphasis placed on providing high quality finishes to the installed infrastructure. The quality displayed in the decorative retaining walls, stairways, pro-build PVC picket fencing, brushwood fencing and wall mounted architectural finished handrails was high class.
The Crest is located in close proximity to a hazardous material containment cell located directly opposite the work site on Hutchinson Avenue. The containment cell is lined with limestone with a clay cap very close to the surface. Due to these factors special planning and careful execution was required when excavating for the installation of underground power in the vicinity of the containment cell.
DM Civil strived to accommodate the client’s requests to carry out miscellaneous minor works outside of the original scope of work. This included erecting fences in previous Minim Cove stages, the demolition and removal of the Minim Cove sales office and the construction of additional walls after the completion of the main project works. This flexible and accommodating attitude demonstrates our commitment to all clients.
DM Civil has established itself as a high end performer in the land development market. This is exemplified through projects such as The Crest.
Download the The Crest Mosman Park project report