Richard H. was introduced to DM Civil by his brother Michael in early 2011 and commenced work in his first role as a stormwater manhole patcher at Lake Coogee Stage 2, a residential land development project. This was under the tutelage of the legendary Joe Santoro who has since retired at the age of 76!
Richard’s first supervisors were Ben and Simon S. on the various stages of Lake Coogee, Wundowie land subdivision and then Mundaring Water Treatment Plant. His first experience included mortar patching in the confines of concrete chambers (he is 6’4”), excavating rock and fighting groundwater and then driving jackhammers at Wundowie.
After a few short years, Richard began to take on leading hand and supervisory roles on larger subdivisional projects including Carine Rise and Trinity Stages 30 and 31. His positive attitude and attention to detail were key to his success on more varied works at Stirling and Fremantle cast iron renewal schemes, Cardup Bridge box culverts and Abernethy Road water main.
A standout project for Richard was his role in 2019 as supervisor for the Kambalda West DN375 pressure main renewal. The scope of work was complicated due to the condition of the essential existing main and the fragmented timing of each section of the works. Without being prompted, Richard took on the liaison and organising role with the local operator to ensure smooth shutdowns and cut-ins for the new works, while motivating his crew to complete the job which was extended well beyond the original programme.
In late 2019, Richard was transferred to our Alcoa work sites at Wagerup, Pinjarra, Kwinana and the mine sites at Willowdale, Huntley, Arundel, Myara, McCoy, Marshall, Roberts and more.
At this time, Richard was promoted to Construction Manager considering his experience, new responsibilities and above all, his performance. His willingness to ensure continuity of the works extended through planned company breaks including Christmas, and this loyalty was noted by the client as well as DM Civil. He now manages all work packages for Alcoa, who has become a major client since Richard’s introduction. This includes supervision of works on the ground, organising logistics, participation and review of pricing and direct interface with the client for new work. He has now delivered over 35 projects over all Alcoa refinery, residue and mine sites.
In light of Richard’s effort and performance since his commencement, we are pleased and proud to promote him to the role of Project Manager. The title is well earned, and we look forward to supporting Richard in his new role.