DM Civil had two submissions in the 2016 Work Place Safety and Health Awards.
Congratulations to Ryan Knight, our Safety, Environment and Quality (SEQ) Manager, who secured the Best Individual Contribution to Work Place Safety and Health Award at the Work Place Safety and Health Awards on Friday 28th. With extensive criteria required for judging, winning this category was a testament to Ryan’s passion and overall approach to safety at DM Civil.
His all-encompassing management of the SEQ Department and SEQ matters across the business has resulted in measurable benefits to DM Civil, our employees and our clients, including:
Ryan has positively influenced the company’s approach to the overall management and reporting of many aspects of the business. As SEQ Manager, Ryan has built the Department to a team of 6 full-time employees, dedicated to improving the coverage and integration of SEQ and training responsibilities whilst still ensuring compliance with internal, client and regulatory standards.
Under his management, the SEQ Department has been able to achieve a constructive relationship with all levels of personnel. This has facilitated a greater understanding and acceptance of the SEQ systems and processes across the workforce. The department aims to positively instruct, inform and empower personnel on their SEQ obligations and responsibilities.
The entire company is very proud of the whole SEQ team and their commitment to our growing safety culture and practices. They too, are fully recognised as part of this award for their continued support and dedication. Also, through Ryan’s planning, training, mentoring and management, this award demonstrates Ryan’s commitment to being an industry leader in SEQ. Well done on a well-deserved award.
DM Civil has been a finalist in this category for 2014, 2015 and now 2016. Every year we have made continual improvements to our management systems that has been worthy of nominating again.
Our General Manager – Engineering created a system, which enabled operators to obtain vital lifting information in relation to the plant being operated and the item/s being lifted.
The following two documents were created:
This new process was communicated to all site based personnel through the quarterly Site Communications Meetings held by the SEQ Manager & a Managing Director.
DM Civil actively chose to pursue the WorkSafe Platinum Certificate of Achievement in order to demonstrate its commitment to SEQ throughout the whole organisation. This was following the previous years (2015) initial achievement in being awarded Gold status. For DM Civil, SEQ is an integral part of all its operations and this was recognised in April 2016 by WorkSafe in being awarded the Platinum Certificate of Achievement. DM Civil joins an elite group of businesses that have achieved this prestigious standing.
The APE (Applied Project Experience) Mobile system allows DM Civil site management personnel (Project Managers, Construction Managers, Supervisors, Engineers, Contract Managers, SEQ, etc) to access to all of DM Civil’s forms, management plans, procedures, policies, drawings, sketches, and any other required documentation for use as part of its Safety, Environment and Quality Assurance Integrated Management System. This system covers all projects and departments.
This system assists the Integrated Management Systems (IMS) by increasing the accessibility of current DMC documentation in the field. The interactive forms also reduce the quantity of hard copy documents stored on site and documents being transported from site to the office and vice versa.
DM Civil recognises the importance of occupational health and safety as an integral part of our operations. DM Civil achieved certification to AS/NZS 4801:2001 – OSH Management Systems in 2007. DMC has maintained this accreditation without a single nonconformance report being raised against its system during the past nine years by external auditors Bureau Veritas.
An important element of DM Civil’s Safety Management System (SMS) is the Safety Management Plan (SMP). This incorporates 40 chapters which provide clear guidelines to Project Management crews on their responsibilities for various aspects of our SMS.
The Safety, Environmental & Quality (SEQ) Department carry out regular internal audits of their projects to ensure the Safety Management Plan is being followed on all sites. Any findings are transferred onto the site Corrective Action Register and closed off when the finding has been actioned.
DM Civil’s SMS has been designed and fully integrated with both Environmental and Quality management systems to suit its operations and company activities. DM Civil on the majority of occasions is the main contractor on projects, this also means high levels of management and interaction with subcontractors, suppliers, clients and other involved third parties.
DM Civil’s ongoing commitment to improving its systems and the manner to which the works are conducted both safely and productively also aids in the growth of the Civil Construction industry especially within the local and West Australian sector. Where a contractor finds a safer, better or more productive way of completing works then this eventually has a flow on effect across this industry.
We are committed to the mantra of “continual improvement” and believe we can always further develop our systems to ensure they meet the needs of our employees and clients. DM Civil management understand that in order to progress and keep up with the industry standards, then it must continually improve. We take pride in the positive SEQ culture we have generated in our company.
We will be submitting again next year for this category.