Katanning Water Reticulation Upgrade
The project involved the installation of 560 metres of DN150 and DN200 PVC pipework. The project had a contract period of 8 weeks to tie in with the Shire of Katanning completing their own urban development works.
Water Corporation
Katanning WA
Construction Period:
Nov 15 – Jan 16
Key Elements:
- Pipeline construction
- Water mains
- MSCL sintakote installation
- PE pipelines
- Sewer pressure main
- Trunk water mains
- Distribution mains construction
- Water main replacement
Project overview
The town of Katanning required a water reticulation upgrade for the town centre network and surrounding streets. The original cast iron and asbestos pipework was failing on a regular basis and the network became a Water Corporation priority for the regional upgrade programme.
The project involved the installation of 560 metres of DN150 and DN200 PVC pipework. The project had a contract period of 8 weeks to tie in with the Shire of Katanning completing their own urban development works. The project required the installation of 5 RPZ (non-return) devices and 22 new water meters.
The design required 2 horizontal bores under existing main roads, 80 metres of directional drilling to avoid the removal of stockpiles of contaminated material on private properties, several section valves and connections back into existing the existing network. Cut-ins to the existing pipework were constructed out of hours by DM Civil crews with the local operator controlling the shutdown and diversions of the existing network. These shutdowns proved to be problematic due to the age and condition of the section valves and caused considerable delays.
DM Civil’s experience in pipelaying of both small and large pipe diameters in a variety of materials was an asset to this project.
Significant achievements and benefits
The scope of works was diverse and required multi-skilled crews to be selected. They were required to have competencies in water reticulation construction, traffic control, detailed earthworks and road reinstatement. This diversity reduced reliance on subcontractors and other suppliers not trained in the internal procedures essential for safe, quality work.
The age of the existing network and the community meant that buried existing services and overhead powerlines were an issue. The project team spent a significant amount of time locating, marking, pot holing and recording known services. This was to avoid damaging existing assets, reduce delays to the programme and importantly to ensure the safety of the crew and the public. As expected, many services discovered were unmapped and had to be dealt with as they were intersected in the safest way possible.
As with any remote project, planning and logistics were important to avoid delays on site through late deliveries of plant and materials. A good working relationship was formed with the local Water Corporation regional office which resulted in a supply point for water fittings and
consumables. Last minute items could be procured and replaced during regular deliveries. Conversely, DM Civil was able to assist the region with personnel and equipment during critical shutdowns. The project extended over 2 months and Christmas 2015 with 2 production crews installing pipe, constructing concrete thrust blocks and installing underground bores. With 1,895 man hours worked, there were no minor incidents, medical treatment injuries or lost time injuries. This was another good result that reinforced the effectiveness of the DM Civil safety management procedures that form a part of the integrated management system.
The replacement of the failing cast iron and asbestos water network will ensure that the Katanning town centre will be serviced with a safe and reliable potable water source for the future.
Download the Katanning Water Reticulation Upgrade project report