DM Civil


DM Civil are heavily involved in pipeline construction and have installed bare and cement lined steel pipes with both welded and rubber ring joints in sizes from DN100 right up to DN1800.

We use bare steel casing in our Trenchless Technology works as a steel casing into which the full range of steel, ductile iron, PVC, PE, GRP, Clay and concrete service pipes are sleeved and grouted inside. The largest bore we have undertaken was using a DN2600 Steel casing and jacking a DN2250 plastic lined concrete sewer pipe behind for the Bibra Lake Trunk Sewer Main.

We have also used painted bare cement lined steel pipes for water supply pipework in above ground situations such as pipe bridge crossings of rivers and creeks and bore and pump station suction and discharge manifolds.

By far the greatest quantity of steel pipeline installed by DM Civil are Pentair’s “Sintakote” cement lined and polyethylene coated steel pipe (Sintakote MSCL) in welded, weld restraint and rubber ring joint configurations. These are primarily for water and waste water pressure mains.

DM Civil have installed approximately 180 kilometres of large diameter Sintakote MSCL bore, transfer, trunk & distribution mains up to DN1400 & PN35 as a part Perth’s Integrated Water Supply (IWS) system and a total of in excess of 450km throughout WA.

DM Civil personnel are fully trained and conversant with earth bonding, wrapping, internal rendering, voltage mitigation, chlorination, de-chlorination procedure and welded joint, ovality, hydrostatic, Direct Current Voltage Gradient (DCVG or Holiday) and bacteriological testing requirements.

DM Civil have the equipment, resources, training, procedures and importantly experience to undertake safe steel pipeline construction anywhere in Western Australia and therefore the benefit to our clients is that we have demonstrated cost effective delivery performance capabilities.